Friday 28 February 2014


Back in South Fremantle. Will be minding the Red Umbrella Art Gallery  at 255 South Terrace for a couple of weeks. See attached

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Green Head to Lake Indoon to Sandy Cape

Left Green Head & headed inland for Lake Indoon. Stinking hot & the lake was completely dry. Decided to head back to the coast to Sandy Cape. Great little camp spot.



Wednesday 19 February 2014

Time to share a Poem

We thought we would share a poem that a friend wrote for us as we embarked on our journey.

Oh Lordi,
You're leaving 24 Wardie
Heading for that dream
Going where you've never been
The roads will be smooth, rough, some of gravel,
You'll know then you are going what is called travel
From the beginning decide who is boss
That one is to blame if you get lost
Make decisions together
Always watch the weather
I'm sure you'll enjoy your new life
As you still will be husband and wife
As you turn each corner and bend
We will remember you our friends
The fun you will have will be great
As you stop at each state
Hop out look around
Feeling your new grounds
You have a van that can do everything but speak
So your weeks will be exciting and fun
Its not as if you're on the run
Enjoy each day as it comes
The rain and the sun
To "Midgies" we say goodbye
The new club will be called "Flies"
Your new life will be exciting
Will you have lighting
Your pizza's will be enjoyed at the free camps
Don't feed the tramps
Keep your eyes on the road and the signs
And you will find
Life as Seniors and Retirees
Is what everyone wants to be.

Thanks Di


Headed north and decided to stop at Green Head. Dynamite Bay nearby. Lovely sheltered beach. Bea loves it and we need some R & R.

Monday 17 February 2014

K & K hit the road

17 Feb 2014 marks the start of our journey. It nearly didn't start however as we locked ourselves out of the Chookpen at our Alfred Cove homestay. Trials and tribulations of novices. Left Perth but only made it as far as Gingin. Stopped at Willowbank Farm and decided to stay for a couple of days with the cows. Even got a grave site next to our campsite. Know how to pick-em. Much more relaxed today.