Wednesday 30 April 2014


We left Lyrup and headed East towards Mildura. Beautiful countryside. Oranges were fantastic.
Welcome to VIC.
Mildura was a big town so we decided to cross the Murray river into NSW and stopped right next to the river at Buronga

 View at Buronga

 After resting up for a couple of days we decided to head further along the river crossing back into VIC. We were told about a campsite behind the Harness Club at Nyah. We liked it so much that we stayed for 4 days. Wildlife woke us every morning and on one morning walk a kangaroo jumped right across our path.........once again we failed to have our camera. We are loving bush camping.

Riverbank at Nyah, 50 metres from the Chookpen

 Birds on racing track early morning, feeding after rain.

 Its getting bloody cold too.

Left Nyah and it was time for some nostalgia. The map said Wedderburn and Kel just  had to head there. No birds found this time,(you had to be there). A lovely town ,however, and its grown from memory. Hope you are reading this, Reg. Didn't strike gold this time either.
As mentioned above, you had to be there.

 Spent the night at Wedderburn Caravan Park and headed towards Echuca. Echuca was a fantastic place but it poured all day with rain. We decided to camp the night and head back in the morning. The clouds broke to a lovely sunny day but it was cold. We still loved it and will have to go back another time. Only managed 1 photo, the camera's battery went flat. Missed some wonderful photo opportunities as we set off for Denilquin NSW and further onwards to Hay NSW. It's only as we are writing that we realised that our phones take photos. It's wonderful being tech savvy.(NOT)

Old Echuca Port
Going to spend a few days in Hay to catch up on washing and cooking.

From the Chookpen...................Kel, Kim & Bea

Saturday 19 April 2014


Left Clare, still overcast skies and chilly, headed for the historic towns of Mintaro and Burra.


Martindale Hall - the movie "Picnic at Hanging Rock" was made here

Heading east we stumbled across the township of Morgan and decided to stay for a few days. Morgan was a very busy river and train port in the old days.

 View from the loo Morgan

Left Morgan and followed the Murray eastward

Camped at Holders Bend, Waikerie.


 What a catch!!!!!


 View from the loo - it just keeps getting better


 Headed further east and stopped at the township of Lyrup.......still in SA

View from the loo
Stopped in Lyrup SA for Easter.
Happy Easter

Wednesday 9 April 2014


After skirting the Flinders Ranges and waking up to magnificent sun rises, turning the Ranges behind us a striking red (whoops forgot the camera)Clare Valley was our next destination. Along the way we passed through some beaut country towns, even managed a Folk Fare in Laura. Booked into the caravan park on a sunny Sunday afternoon for 5 days, woke up on Monday to rain and today(Thursday) it still hasn't stopped. Leaving tomorrow morning and we will see where we end up.

 Mt Remarkable Hotel

Melrose Hotel

Tuesday 8 April 2014


Travelling east and made it to the halfway mark across Australia. Some wonderful little towns but we do wonder how people live out here and how they used to live in the old days, it would have been tough. The scenery is still amazing. The Gawler Ranges looked spectacular but we could not access the best parts due to being a National dogs allowed.
 Poochera SA - Tough going in the old days

 Silos + abandoned shop Poochera SA

Camping Pildappa Rock

View to Gawler Ranges from Pildappa Rock

Edward John Eyre Sculptures at Kimba SA

Driving into Port Augusta

Flinders Ranges

Free camping Flinders Ranges

We just thought we would add something new to the blog.........view from the loo (watch this space)