Friday 27 March 2015


Travelling back to Fremantle we journeyed out to a place that many other travellers had told us about. Situated in the Ferguson Valley amongst the beautiful dairy country and a sprinkling of wineries and boutique breweries lies Gnomesville. Gnomes as far as the eye can see. In the early 90's a roundabout was built at a Y intersection. On the roundabout stood a hollow of an old gumtree and a local resident saw the opportunity to place a gnome inside it. Soon another local placed another gnome there and now we have Gnomesville. We spotted gnomes from all over Australia as well as from overseas destinations. It was a sight to behold. We loved it. You be the judge.


Time to go and leave our little gnome "from the Chookpen" in amongst his little friends.

 We are currently back in South Fremantle looking after the Red Umbrella Art Gallery leaving mid April. Lovely catching up with rellies and friends not to mention trips to the doctors.

Sunday 15 March 2015


We had told friends how much we enjoyed the wine tour while we were in Margaret River so the 4 of us headed up there to sample the produce. Once again the wine tour was excellent and we all stocked up and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
 Back on the dirt and heading through the forests near Pemberton. This area was spared during the bush fires.

 Camping by the Blackwood River at Alexandra Bridge.

Hamlin Bay below. Stingrays inhabit the local waters here and they come right into shore. We happened to be there when the locals were feeding them. It was amazing. 


 Cape Leeuwin - the most south westerly point of the country where the Southern and Indian Oceans meet. It was windy and the ocean was not too inviting.

 A natural spring runs into this old waterwheel where the early lighthouse keepers got their water.

 Feeding the pelicans at Augusta.
We are heading to Busselton for a week of relaxing by the sea and then up to Fremantle to mind the Gallery again for a couple of weeks. We plan to head up the west coast after Easter. Life on the road is wonderful. 

Wednesday 11 March 2015


Windy Harbour was somewhere we have always wanted to go but somehow never quite made it, so off we went. Recent bushfires had cut the tiny holiday settlement off and left it isolated. Driving along the South Coast Hwy and through nearby Shannon National Park showed us how terrifying it must have been. It was devastating to see forests that we had recently been through burnt to the ground. 
 Shannon National Park. We had hoped to camp here sometime but it appears that the Park will be closed for some time.



 We were amazed to see the fire still smouldering some weeks after it was brought under control.

 Windy Harbour. It lived up to its name. It was freezing while we were here.

The holiday settlement was amazing.

View overlooking Windy Harbour showing the effects of the fire.

 Quite incredible to find these signs unaffected considering the damage to the landscape all around.


 Nature at its best. New life.

Below, an interesting rock formation amongst the remains. To us it appears to be an aboriginal elder. Along with the signage, very eerie.
 Overlooking nearby Salmon Beach.



Monday 9 March 2015


We made it to Albany and settled in for the week. So much to see and do. Kel managed to squeeze in a couple of rounds of golf. Retired hurt after 3 holes in the second one, hence it may be some time before the clubs reappear.

Perched on the edge of Mt Adelaide in Albany overlooking King George Sound, the National Anzac Centre should be on the bucket list of anyone with a passing interest in Australian heritage or military history. We spent the best part of a day there and only left when fatigue set in and a thirst was high on the agenda. In 1914 troops departed Albany bound for the battlefields of WW1, the Centre dedicates so much to their story. Just fantastic.

  King George Sound

  Princess Royal Harbour

View to Emu Point
Whale World was another interesting place. Whaling in Albany ceased in 1978 and this centre showcases its history. Many a gruesome tale to be found in here.

Jimmy Newell Harbour. The salmon were supposed to be running here at this time of the year as well as many other spots along the coast but  they were no where to be seen.


 "Elephant Rocks" outside of Denmark

"Greens Pool".

In spite of these photos showing all this beautiful water, it has just been too cold to enter the water. Soft, we know.

The bakery at Denmark is still fantastic. A visit never fails to disappoint.

 Windfarm in the distance at Albany
View from the loo. Across the river was a Tavern, we needed a canoe.