Saturday 19 September 2015


After a wonderful 5 days in Quilpie it was time to hit the road again. Destination was Eulo and a hot mud spring bath was beckoning.
 Road to Eulo

 Oh yeah, the hot mud bath was a beauty

First a nice soak, then lather with mud, soak again and finish with a hot spring shower. As Richie would say.........marvellous!!!

Mud baths were not the only thing available, it was also a date farm......

.....and a haven for "stuff".

After the bath it was time for a wind down at the Eulo Queen.

 How's this for a dunny.
Cunnamulla next stop and here is the bloke made famous by Slim Dusty.

 Camped by the river at Bollon and were treated to this magic sunset.


We were a bit unlucky when we stopped over at Nindigully Pub, but did make it for happy hour that night and washed down a big country pub meal.

 View from the loo, Nindigully Pub camp.

It was onwards to Goondiwindi where we farewelled Gaye and Bruce. We headed north and they headed southwards back home.

The famous Gunsynd (Goondiwindi Grey)

 Another great sunset

Saturday 12 September 2015


Leaving Brisbane we headed southwards to Grafton NSW. Nephew Craig was turning 40 and a party was beckoning. A great time was had.

While at Grafton we caught up with Gaye and Bruce on their maiden voyage in their new caravan. A plan was hatched and it was off to outback QLD, destination Quilpie. A detour through the Brisbane Valley then on through South West Queensland and our destination was reached. We had booked to go on the Outback Mail Run and this was not a tour that disappointed. It was fantastic touring various outback stations on an all day road trip of some 600klms. A bonus to our stay in Quilpie was their Show and Rodeo.


View from the loo Toogoolawah

 The "end of the line" Glenmorgan QLD

 Astor Theatre, Surat.


 Setting up camp, Chareleville
Our other neighbours


 Alaric Homestead - Now used as a retreat for Vietnam Vets


Loved the campfire

 The parched countryside, a bit devastating

Dingo fence

Mailman Dave and some quirky mail boxes


 The remains of a light aircraft crash on one of the stations.

 Margaret opened her home and garden for us.

 Loved the "Dog House"


Abondoned shearing shed

....and hidden relics


 Soothing the old bones in mineral hot tub

 Quilpie townsite

 Street art

Daredevils at Quilpie Show & Rodeo

As far as rodeos go, we found the cherry spitting at Manjimup more exciting

 Plan to tour more of South West QLD .......stayed tuned