Wednesday 27 January 2016


 Headed north west through Bothwell, Hamilton on route to Derwent Bridge. Bothwell had an amazing golf museum. They reckon its the birthplace of golf in Australia.

Camped overnight outside Hamilton (view from the loo)

 We made it to Derwent Bridge. First stop a visit to the "Wall in the Wilderness". An amazing history lesson hand carved in timber panels.......see website, no cameras allowed.
Next stop was Lake St Clair National Park and a ferry trip along the lake. Lake St Clair is the finishing spot for the walking trail "the Overland Track"which starts at Cradle Mountain.  Kel walked this track forty odd years ago and reminisced how mad he must have been then. Its a bit more upmarket these days and there were plenty of hikers out there.


 The Pumphouse on Lake St Clair. Its now a five star hotel.

 We ventured off the next day and did a few of the short walks around the park. Spotted a big black snake on our travels. Had a good look around at Platypus Point but no luck spotting one this time.

 Headed inland to the Great Lake region. Stopped overnight near Arthur Lake, awoke to a lot of smoke so decided to head east towards the coast. Fires were a long way away but the coast was beckoning.




Saturday 23 January 2016


After our fabulous time at Cygnet it was further south along the Huon Trail. Cockle Creek at the bottom of the south east cape our destination. Spectacular scenery as we wind along the roadways. About 50kms of dirt and we reach Cockle Creek. Absolutely beautiful. We were tempted to go for a swim but the temperature of the water, in spite of it being a beautiful day, determined that it was a paddle only. Chickens we know. After what was a top day, weather wise, it turned nasty overnight. We decided not to endure the rain turn to mud and headed back northward. The cherries and apricots from the roadside stalls along the Huon Trail are magnificent.


 Huon River.

Below.......Platypus viewing platform at Geeveston


Did we spot betcha!

Here's our little mate Banjo


From Geeveston to Cockle Creek

  Along through Southport , Dover, Gordon.

Below, travelling back into Hobart.