Thursday 22 December 2016


We have still been floating up, down and around Northern, Gold and Sunshine Coasts. Plenty to see and plenty to enjoy, except for unexpected visits to the dentist. Here we are checking out the landscape along the Clarence River near Grafton NSW.


........and earning our keep

Enjoying "Elton John" at the local RSL Club

We were lucky enough to see this baby foal, 1 day old.

 Camping at Ormeau QLD

This Kingfisher made him or herself at home on our awning.

We are back at Kenilworth, inland from Noosa Heads, and about to celebrate Xmas here. Its a great little village with a fantastic yogurt and cheese factory within walking distance......yum,yum.

view from the loo

What a cutie!!!!!!!

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. We are looking forward to really hitting the road again next year. Has Elvis really left the building????? Watch this space.