Thursday 25 September 2014


After wandering around Kalgoorlie Boulder for a couple of days we headed north towards Menzies and then out to Lake Ballard. Lake Ballard is a salt lake 51 kilometres from Menzies where artist Anthony Gormley has cast 51 sculptures derived from laser beams of 51 Menzies inhabitants. Sensational, the drive was really worth it.
 Hannan st, Kalgoorlie

 Small mining operation outside Kalgoorlie

 Cooly Rocks needs to get its hands on this

 Menzies Town Hall

 Road to Lake Ballard

View over Lake Ballard from snake hill lookout. Really eerie from up here but down on the lake we were blown away.

How good was this, "Old Woman Emu" and chicks viewing the sculptures

 This place was just fantastic to wander around. From top of hill you could see peoples' footprints snaking for kilometres around sculptures (2 hr walk around).

 Sun setting

 Sun rising

What a fantastic place to go to bed and wake up to in the morning. Back to Kalgoorlie and surrounds tomorrow to clean red dust from Chookpen. Yuk!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think you'll have to write a book about your travels!
