Monday 29 February 2016


Winding our way towards Cradle Mountain we stopped at Waratah, the site of a now dis-used tin mine.

Further along the way we climbed up to look over towards Cradle Mountain National Park. The temperature dropped measurably.

Our first 2 days in the park were freezing, our 3rd day was absolutely beautiful as the photos below will show.

 Waldheim Chalet was originally built between 1912 and the early 1920s. It was largely the vision and dedication of Gustav and Kate Weindorfer that led to both the construction of the chalet and the creation of the national park.

 Pencil Pine Falls


 Lucky enough to spot some wildlife

What a difference a day makes below. In our previous visits to Cradle Mountain neither of us have witnessed such a perfect day. We walked and walked and walked and took a multitude of photos. It was magnificent.


The Chookpen clocks up 50,000klms entering Longford nr Launceston.

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